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Does your child like a spot of interior design? Let them loose in a beautiful playhouse!

It's almost time to ditch those uniforms, abandon the school run and stop attempting to memorise hundreds of random dates on the monthly newsletter. Always a struggle that last one…


Yep, school is almost out and there are two young people in our house who simply couldn't be happier! So plans are now afoot as to what we might get up to during the long and lazy summer. Besides endless titivation of our playhouse and pavilion that is!



There has been talk of a trip to the West End to see a musical or perhaps a train ride to the Scottish Highlands. We have also toyed with the idea of a city break somewhere or a few days on the Cornish coast with friends…


It’s all very exciting, but then again, I find that the planning stage always is. What I really love about school holidays is the occasional spontaneity. The times when we have no plans whatsoever and just go with the flow. Rainy afternoons spent painting, cutting, sticking and baking anyone?


I’m a homebird at heart and will quite honestly be happy enough sitting in the garden and watching the girls have fun. Whether it’s hide and seek or an impromptu play, if they are laughing barefoot and carefree then I’m delighted. That would honestly bring me more joy than anything else I can think of!


And yes, I LOVE titivating the playhouse and pavilion too. A beanbag here, a throw there... now where did I put those gorgeous new cushions…?


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